At the behest of my two sons, now 7 & 9 years of age as I write this, I had to make this entry as a result of our family's recent discovery of the Vegan Cheddar Flavor Squares produced by the Earth Balance Company.
I few weeks ago, my sons and I were making our weekly pilgrimage through Whole Foods Market (no worries, we support local grocers as well), when my youngest son discovered a display sample of the Earth Balance Vegan Cheddar Squares. As my son's instinctively picked up the box to read the ingredients as they began to devour the samples like the "competition" that they always make out of any mundane activity. I silently chuckled to myself as my oldest son yells "Daddy, they passed!!"...Indicating the the product has passed my self imposed sodium and sugar content standards.
I disbelievingly grabbed the box of squares that my son knowingly passes without breaking eye contact with his brother and the free samples. Surprising, I confirmed the content of the product and began to taste my first few squares for the first time and true enjoyed the experienced.
I would give an overall rating of this product a 2.5 carrots out of a possible 5. This mid-grade raiding is only so due to the medium/high level of sodium, which amounted to 250 mg per serving (approx. 35 crackers). It is definitely a stronger alternative to the Cheese-Its but we would prefer rewarding your children with the organic fruit or vegetable of their choice. Check them out and let me know what you think...:)
Peace, Love & Healthy Choices!!!
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